Christ Church, Philadelphia

14 May 1811

The newly ordained deacon, Jackson Kemper, begins 20 years as assistant at the United Churches (Christ Church and others) that White serves as rector. Kemper not only relieves White of pastoral duties so he can do more as bishop, but is an advocate for the western parishes.

26 May 1811

The General Convention meeting in New Haven Connecticut responded to papers placed before it about the need for a western episcopacy by leaving matters up to the bishop’s discretion.

11 June 1811

Bishop White reports to the diocesan convention that a request from congregations in Pennsylvania for a bishop in the western region was taken to General Convention.  He noted that the General Convention put the matter in the hands of the bishops of Virginia and Pennsylvania and he was sharing the correspondence with this convention.

1791 1792 1794 1800 1803
1804 1805 1809 1810 1811
1812 1813 1814 1818  


Timeline Creation Wilderness Margins Struggles Victory


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