Nominations for 2018 Convention Elections Open

The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh is now welcoming nominations of clergy and lay persons for election to membership on various governing bodies and committees of the Diocese.

This year, three lay persons will be elected to the Board of Trustees. One clergy and one lay person will be elected to the Standing Committee, the Cathedral Chapter and the Committee on Constitution and Canons. One clergy and two lay persons will be elected to the Disciplinary Board. Finally, one person (clergy or lay) will be elected to the Commission on Ministry and Diocesan Growth Fund. Multiple candidates for open positions are accepted and encouraged. All positions carry a term of three years, except for the Standing Committee which has a four-year term.

Nomination forms have been mailed to all of the parishes in the Diocese, and are also available here.

For more information, please contact the Rev. Michael Foley at, or Robert Johnston at