Nominating Committee is Seeking Input From All Parishes in August

The first task of the Nominating Committee is to listen carefully to as many people within the diocese as possible in order to develop a clear and complete picture of our diocese – its strengths and its weaknesses, its opportunities and challenges, and its history and its hope for the future. We want to learn as much as we can in order to understand all that God has been doing among us and to discern where God is guiding us in the future and to help us see whom God may be calling to walk with us into that future.

We are delighted to announce that more than 370 people participated in our diocesan survey! We want to thank everyone who took the time to respond. Your thoughtfulness shines through, and we are learning a lot from your comments. We have spent much of July listening to groups within the diocese, including among others, the Standing Committee, Diocesan Council, and the Board of Trustees. We have talked with Bishop Dorsey as well.

The Committee delayed the start of parish listening conversations until August in the hopes that we could meet in person. Unfortunately, that has been made unfeasible by the current pandemic. Nonetheless, we are committed to giving every parish an opportunity to be heard.

To do that, we will host a series of Zoom meetings over the course of four weeks, beginning August 2. Each parish will be contacted directly to register for a time to participate. We understand that this might mean that not every parishioner who wants to participate will be able to take part in a conversation, but we ask you to be gracious toward us. We are doing the best we can in this very uncertain and unusual time. We value the wisdom and insight from everyone in our parishes. We are looking forward to the conversation!

Please continue to pray for the Committee and our work as the process moves forward.

For more information about the search process, visit our website at

Yours in Christ,

The Nominating Committee