Moving Toward a Virtual Convention

Diocesan Council will take up a resolution on June 9 that paves the way for the 2020 Annual Convention to be held entirely online. That is the unanimous recommendation of the convention planning committee, which has been considering three options: a traditional, in-person gathering; a hybrid meeting in which some deputies are physically present, while others join online; and a totally virtual assembly. The committee determined that a direction needed to be set now because it would be logistically difficult to wait or change course later in the year, given the uncertainty around Covid-19.

Council’s decision will be made under its authority to act on behalf of the Convention when the Convention is not in session. Specifically, the resolution calls for a change in the Rules of Order to explicitly allow the 2020 Convention to be held using electronic communications technology. Additionally, the resolution directs convention planners to detail how an online convention would function, with special attention given to ensuring that lay and clergy deputies have the ability to concurrently participate in the proceedings, raise questions and comment, make motions and vote on the matters submitted to them. A final review and approval of the procedures and technology to be used will occur at a late summer meeting of Council.

Convention is scheduled for Oct. 16 and 17. Additional information for deputies will be issued in the coming days.