In Celebration of Sam Shoemaker

Monday, January 31st, the day that the Episcopal Church has set aside to commemorate Calvary's 12th Rector, the Rev. Dr. Samuel Moor Shoemaker, will be observed with a special event at Calvary Episcopal Church.

Second Anniversary of the Feast Day for
The Rev. Dr. Samuel Moor Shoemaker

6:00 p.m. Eucharist – The Lady Chapel
The Rev. Walter Szymanski

7:00 p.m. Welcome & Prayer
The Rev. Canon Dr. Harold T. Lewis, Rector Calvary Episcopal Church

Personal Experiences with Sam
Charles Jarrett, Esq., Calvary Episcopal Church

Sam – A Life Changer & His Influence on AA
The Rev. Canon Dr. Jay Geisler, Canon for Formation, Dio. of Pittsburgh
Karen A. Plavan, Ph.D., The Oasis Recovery Center

"I have known many men in the ministry who have been quite outstanding in their effectiveness… but one excelled Sam Shoemaker in sheer spiritual depth and persuasive poser." Norman Vincent Peale