Diocesan Resource Center Update

All parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh have an annual membership to the Southwest Pennsylvania Lutheran Synod Resource Center. The Resource Center is available for members of the clergy and the laity to borrow resources in person, phone, email and through the online catalog. 

There are over 1,000 resources already listed in the online catalog and more are being added each week. This Resource Center has quality printed and media resources and also provides a hospitable space where one can browse and work. The resources include DVD's, books, curriculums, magazines, Vacation Bible School programs and other items.

There are a variety of topics covered which include Bible study, stewardship, church growth, youth resources, children's ministry curriculums, adult study programs, spirituality, and Episcopal church history and practices including acolyte, altar guild, and vestry resources.

Beth Caywood, the Resource Center Director, is at the center daily and you are welcome to use her services. She can consult with you if you are looking for something and would like some suggestions as to the right resource for you.

More information about the Resource Center, including contact information, is available at https://www.episcopalpgh.org/resources/resource-center/.

PEP Donates Course Material to Resource Center 

Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh (PEP) made a significant donation to the diocesan resource center, a collection of nine courses on religious topics produced by The Teaching Company of Chantilly, Virginia.

The donated courses represent a combined 114 hours of instruction organized in half-hour lectures. The courses are presented by well-known scholars such as Bart D. Ehrman and Amy-Jill Levine. The courses treat such topics as early Church history, the Old and New Testaments, non-canonical texts, mysticism, and the relationship of science and religion. A complete list of courses, lecturers, and course length can be found here.

"PEP hopes that these courses will help to produce more knowledgeable and committed Christians in our diocese," explained Lionel Deimel, PEP board member who selected the courses. "This material can be especially helpful in small parishes lacking the resources to present ambitious adult education, as well as in larger parishes, where small groups may want to pursue in-depth study."