Pittsburgh Episcopal Cursillo: What is an Ultreya?

What is an Ultreya and why should I come?

Ultreya is a Reunion of reunion groups. The definition of Ultreya means “Onward”. It is an ancient greeting used to encourage pilgrims as they passed each other on the road. For Cursillistas this is the place were we come to support, encourage each other.

We come together to grow in the Apostolic community. We grow closer by sharing our struggles, and our triumphs. We talk about the reflections on the Life in Grace and the three elements that continue to form us. Those elements are Piety, Study and Action.

   ♦ Piety: What nourishes you? When have you felt truly close to Christ?

   ♦ Study: What has increased your understanding of the Faith and God?

   ♦ Action: How have I shared my faith with the world? Was I successful or disappointed?

Through Ultreya we make our selves accountable not only to God but to each other.

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Johnstown will be hosting an Ultreya on June 13th at 3:00 p.m.

Steve Stagnitta will be our leader. Special guests for the Ultreya will include Bishop Kenneth Price and Barbara Taylor, our District representative to National Episcopal Cursillo.  the event. The theme will be “Renewal of Cursillo in the Diocese of Pittsburgh”.

We will follow the Ultreya format with a Floating reunion group of approximately 1/2 hour in length. A lay witness talk and responses will be given. The Spiritual Advisor will then take the lay witness talk and responses and tie them to the Gospel.

Schedule for June 13, 2010 Ultreya:

2:30 p.m Leaders' Reunion Group
2:45 p.m. Music: Led by Bill & Mimi Farra from the Community of Celebration
3:00 p.m. Opening prayer: Steve Stagnitta
3:05 p.m. Floating reunion groups
3:30 p.m. Lay Witness Talk: Barbara Taylor, Northeast District Representative to National Episcopal Cursillo
3:40 p.m. Lay response: Enid Bishop, Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania
3:45 p.m. Clergy Response: the Rev. Vicente Santiago, Priest-in-charge, St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Johnstown
3:55 p.m. Renewal & Growth of Cursillo Movement in the Diocese- Barbara Taylor
4:05 p.m. Music
4:10 p.m. Closing Prayer & Blessing – Bishop Price
4:15 p.m. Refreshments & Community time
Questions for Barbara Taylor can be asked during this time

For more information about Pittsburgh Episcopal Cursillo, please visit http://cursillo-episcopal-pgh.org/

For more information about the event contact Cindy Leap at cindleap@atlanticbb.net