The Rev. William “Biff” Carpenter

The Reverend William “Biff” Carpenter is a missioner for the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. He is an Alumnus of Valley Forge Military Academy, and the University of Pittsburgh where he earned his BA in History, Psychology, and Religious Studies. He graduated from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary with his Master of Divinity in 2012.

Fr. Biff is helping the diocese to explore new ways of building Christian community, and identifying tools to help parishes develop broader relationships with an ever increasing secular and post-Christian world. His primary focus in ministry is the supper table. As a former chef, he sees food and the warmth of the table party as the vehicle to reinvigorate an interconnectedness of the human family – as our ancestors did around the campfire.

Biff has a deep affection for Jesus, his puppy dog Barnabas (Barney), all forms of fishing, the water, history, boats, the Pittsburgh Pirates, and trying to keep flowers and vegetables alive. For more information about his projects you can visit or email