Stations of the Cross at Emmanuel

All are invited to attend Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, North Side.

Every Friday during Lent at Noon, pilgrims move from one site or station to the next, through 14 or 15 in all. There is a reading at each Station, and sometimes a prayer or response, followed by a few moments of silence. During the reading, the movement and the silence, each pilgrim can meditate upon Christ’s spiritual and physical journey to the Cross. and beyond.

Throughout the six Fridays in Lent, different versions or variations of the traditional Stations of the Cross are used. Because the Crucifixion is so prevalent in art throughout the ages, different points in the journey are supplemented with art, music, props, and multi-media, to facilitate a sense of re-enactment of this historical walk.

The contemplative, yet interactive nature of Stations is a rare opportunity to reflect on one’s own spiritual journey to the Father. Pilgrims may experience Christ’s weariness, his fear, his strong sense of mission and /or they may find healing, re-connection, or a call to action. It is a time for God to speak and us to listen, to identify with Christ’s suffering and also his extreme trust in his Father. Each pilgrim’s journey is unique and each time we walk the Stations, anything is possible.

Fridays, February 24th – March 30th, 2012
For more information, call the Rev. Don C. Youse, Jr. at 412-231-0454