Sources for News about General Convention

In this connected age, there will be many opportunities to stay current with the happenings in Indianapolis.

Members of the diocesan deputation, Bishop Price, and other local voices will report from convention via Grace Happens, the diocesan web site, and our Facebook page.

The Episcopal Church has several venues to follow the events.

The official General Convention web site has schedule information, complete legislative resources, and rosters.

New this year is the GC2012 Media Hub, developed and produced by the Episcopal Church Office of Communication, which will bring the 77th General Convention to all people, wherever they may be.

The Media Hub will offer live streaming of the sessions from the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies, as well as a listing of daily events, a live Twitter feed, Flickr photo stream, Episcopal News Service headlines, etc.

Many dioceses, commissions, deputies, and visitors will be using various channels of social media to keep people updated, too many to list here.

The Diocese of Virginia is producing a daily opinion journal, Center Aisle, that contains daily news updates and opinion from a wide variety of national perspectives.

Beth Felice, Communication Director from the Diocese of Missouri, has provided the wider church with a great service by aggregating at total of 48 blog feeds into a single web page.

Click here and choose the "List" view.