“FAQs for Parishes” has been updated

Across The Aisle published a "FAQ" on Saturday, October 4, 2008 which contains critical steps needed to be taken by parishes, or in some cases individuals, to continue participating in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh in the Episcopal Church of the United States. This list was updated with important information on 10/08/08.  Click this link for the update:
To view the complete FAQ please click here.

For further information, please contact info@episcopalpgh.org

Our Parish has received a form entitled "Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh 2009 Parish Covenant for Diocesan, National and International Giving" which we have been asked to complete. What should we do?
        Do not complete or return this form. This form was sent to you by the group that calls itself the "Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh" while claiming that they are part of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone and not part of The Episcopal Church. The reorganized Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States will soon be in contact with your Parish regarding this and many other subjects.
20. Our Parish just received a letter from Robert Devlin, saying that he is the Chancellor of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, and saying that we have to comply with a court order enclosed if we want to "disaffiliate" with the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. Our Parish wishes to remain within The Episcopal Church. What should we do?
  For now, do nothing in response to this letter from Mr. Devlin. Mr. Devlin is the attorney for the group that calls itself "The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh" while claiming that they are part of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone and not part of The Episcopal Church. The Court of Common Pleas, and not Mr. Devlin, will decide the meaning of the court’s order.

